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I get a lot of people asking what is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

I work virtually from my little office in Hambleton, Selby, so I can support small (even large) businesses from anywhere in the UK, including overseas.

I have my own office space, computer, insurances and I am registered with the ICO.

By using LV Virtual Services, not only are you saving money, but you would also gain back your valuable time to expand your business further or spend some quality time with your family.

Please see my infograph which lists all of the benefits a VA could bring to your business.

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So Covid-19!? what a surreal world we are in at the moment.

As many of you, I am trying to work from home and also look after my two children:
Lola who is 8 years was her birthday last week, bless her, what a time to have a birthday eh!?...she got a garden party and pass the parcel what more does she want?! :-) and.....
There's Vinnie, mmmm, Vinnie.... he is 4 years old and a right monkey...if he's not watching 'Davids TV' on YouTube he's wrecking the living room or climbing on my laptop...

My husband, Chris is an 'essential worker'...well thats what he says, I reckon he just wants to get out of the house!!! 
Nooo to be fair he is really and I totally take my hat off to all essential and key workers right now- the NHS, care workers, supermarket staff, delivery drivers etc. and Dave.... our local shopkeeper (he actually has toilet roll!!!) 
So any essential or key workers (or actually anyone who reads this!?) a massive BIG FAT THANK YOU, you are all totally AMAZING!!!!

So my tips.....
1. Don't pressure yourself to do a straight 9am-5pm, stagger your hours- take an hour or so out and go for a walk/run or rock back and forwards in the corner. 

2. If you are 'home schooling' (I wouldn't call it that in our house) don't feel like Susan from number 2 who is actually making their kids do a straight death by powerpoint presentation.... those kids might know how to do a presentation....but do they know how to make a cherry mud pie?! no Susan they don't!!!
Take your time...we are doing a bit at a time and also learning lots of life skills, like baking, arts, cleaning mummy and daddy's car and the rest..

3. My goodness our kids are eating us out of house and home, every second "i'm hungry" "can I have a snack" "well can I have a little snack then"....."no Vinnie you've just had your lunch, 2 packet of crisps, an orange, grapes, yoghurt, 5 hob nobs and 2 
f*ing dippers" tip? lock the cupboards.

4.Fighting..constant fight after fight after fight. Not just "give me back my ipad" or "Lola's got my hulk bowl and I want one" actual fist fighting.... I would love to count how many times I have had to break up a wrestling match.  I don't have any tip on number 4 other than split the little terrors up!!! If anyone has any, please do get in touch!!

5. All else fails.....have a drink.... or 2 or 5....

On a serious note whatever it is you are doing just remember at this time you are doing the BEST you can!!!!


1st Photo- published by hurrah for Gin!!

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Here’s 10 reasons why you should consider using a VA for your business:

1. VAs offer flexibility – they are available outside of normal hours, have no minimum hour commitment and are only paid for the hours they work.

2. VAs are interested in the success of your business, so client confidentiality is paramount and they will treat your business as their own.

3. VAs allow you to use the same highly skilled, professional every time you outsource work.

4. You get more time to do what you do best, while leaving the admin to someone else.

5. Your work will be completed to perfection and delivered on time – or ahead of time.

6. No recruitment or agency fees incurred.

7. Your VA will work closely with you to achieve seamless perfection of your projects – no one will ever know it wasn’t completed in-house!

8. No HR headaches like tax, national insurance or employee benefits.

9. Employees and temps are paid by you for coffee breaks, toilet visits and time taken for personal calls and issues, a VA wont charge for these breaks.

10. VAs work from their own offices so you won’t have to organise workspace or equipment for them.

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